Aikido is a Self-Defense art for men, women, and children from 9 to 90 and it's easy to learn. Aikido combines joint locks and throws utilizing blending movements, thus avoiding the need for strength. Mushin Ryu is a safe and pleasant environment to learn new techniques and train.Aikido training is held in a spirit of cooperation, not competition. I recommend observing a class to see if the instruction style meets your individual needs, no matter where you live. Mushin Ryu Do has always strived to provide a secure background in the techniques of Aikido, plus safe instruction in the Traditional Way of the Japanese Sword.
Mushin Ryu is founded upon solid, tried and tested Aikido principals and techniques. Our Aikido is infused with various other fighting styles such as; BJJ, Boxing, Chinese Kempo, Karate, Tai Chi, Ju Jutsu, Bagua, and Daito Ryu, among others, forged into our own unique style of Aikido, thereby creating a more effective, efficient, and well-rounded fighting and self-defense martial arts system.
Aikido is also known as the art of peace whereby an attacker is seen as breaking with the harmony and balance of nature. Aikido looks to restore this balance by taking balance, known as Kuzushi. To have any technique be effective one must first capture balance. "You have nothing until you first capture Kuzushi", Peter Tamagni Shihan, Rokudan, Vineland Aikikai; who was one of my beloved instructors and whose teaching I look to pass on.
A hostile situation can be controlled without harm to the attacker. Aikido embodies three primary areas of Mind, Body, and Spirit, developing each individual aspect into a holistic martial art system. This self-defense system is ideal for Law Enforcement, Mental Health Professionals, Civil Servants including Fire Fighters, EMT/Paramedics and Educators alike, where command and control of a threat to your life and safety of others can be efficiently and effectively handled.
​Mushin Ryu is a multi-discipline martial art, more importantly it is a Do or way, and more accurately understood as way of no way, likened to Bruce Lee's philosophical approach to Jeet Kune Do.

Your Training
Aikido is a group based training system whereby everyone is encouraged to train in the spirit of cooperation and learning for mutual benefit; as opposed to engaging in competition. Group instruction is given from Beginners to Advanced and not separated due to ranking systems. The advanced must be able to control and the novice to learn.
Individual private lessons may be available in order to help your advancement and to strengthen areas of development. Instruction is usually given by appointment with school teachers. Additional hourly fees usually apply.
Weapons training is an integral part or your art. Mushin Ryu Aikido uses traditional Aiki weapons, Aiki-Ken and Aiki-Jo as part and parcel of martial training ab initio. All levels from novice to advanced learn the way of the sword; Bokken (Wooden Sword), Jo (Wooden Staff), and Tanto (Wooden Knife) taught in the Iwama Ryu Tradition.

Your Sensei, Our Lineage, Our Philosophy
"We learn to fight so we don't have to fight" Mr.Myagi, "The Karate Kid"
Giacomo Reggente Sensei has been training in various martial arts throughout his whole life. Born in Brazil, home of BJJ, then coming to America and learning Chinese Kempo Karate from a young age at the YWCA in Philadelphia, to Tai Chi Chuan while attending Berklee College of Music in Boston, and finally to Aikido here in New Jersey, which led to the opening of Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo.
Giacomo Sensei: "For me, Aikido seemed to be the pinnacle of all the arts I have studied; as it embodied not only self-defense, but a philosophy of being that transitions to all aspects of life, whether it be personal, business, or family, Aikido has enabled me to deal with life's challenges and difficulties with a sense of calm. Though there are many paths up the mountain, Aikido has been the path for me."
I have been honored to have been taught by adept instructors and friends here in New Jersey where my Aikido journey first began. Under the tutelage of Mark Ahlquist Sensei, Yondan, Osameru Aikido, I took my first steps in a thousand mile journey and crossed the bridge to yudansha under Osameru Aikido. Ahlquist Sensei has continued to be both a close friend and teacher for many years.
While under Ahlquist Sensei's auspices, I was introduced to my teacher Anthony Pallante, Nidan under Robert Danza Sensei, who helped me to advance my studies in weapons training and Tachi Waza in the Iwama Ryu tradition. Infused with; Bagua, Fencing, and a plethora of other various arts, Tony has been an inspiration and continues to be both teacher and friend to this day. For the serious and dedicated martial arts student, one's foray into the art is never truly over.
I have also been blessed to have as an instructor Peter Tamagni, Rokudan, Shihan, of Vineland Aikikai, USAF. Under Tamagni Shihan's guidance and instruction, my Aikido received a heavy Judo influence along with tried and tested real-world application of the techniques via Tamagni Shihan's on the job experience as a Police Lieutenant; one of Vineland's finest, for many years until his retirement. Tamagni Sensei passed on in 2015 after a hard fought battle with cancer. He was a true warrior to the end, there is not a day that my practice does not reflect his teachings. He may have passed on, but what he passed on to me was a true gift that I wish to share with all my students and friends. Vineland Aikikai was a wonderful experience for me, a great debt of gratitude is also extended to Ed Williams Sensei, Godan, Mike Terrusso Sensei, Yondan, and Paul Rigby Sensei, Sandan, George Hudson Sensei, Sandan, and last but not least Daphne Vasalotti Sensei, Nidan without whose collective help I would not have achieved my current endeavor of opening Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo.
In my continued quest for knowledge in Aikido, along with the person who first introduced me to Aikido, was Frank Spera Sensei, Sandan, of Osameru Aikido. We started our first dojo, Choestsu Aikido Dojo, in my home here in Woodstown, NJ under Fumio Toyota Shihan of American Aikido Association. The interest and size grew rapidly, and after much contemplation, I chose to go the path of Ronin, a Masterless Samurai. Remember, this is your Aikido, no matter who is opening the door or showing you the path, it is you who must walk the path.
The path of Aikido has lead me to Scott Harrington Sensei, 7th Dan, Shuyokan Aikido, Nidan in Tang Soo Do, and published author of "Aiki Toolbox" Harrington Sensei has deep roots in the Yoshinkan Aikido as Godan, and in Daito Ryu, the mother of Aikido. I am honored and continue to train with Scott Harrington Sensei.
No matter the stage on my Journey, I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to train with and learn much from my friend and teacher, Dave Maturo Sensei, Yondan of South Jersey Aikido Academy under Sam Carney Sensei/ Now The Martial Way Dojo, and Joe Diaco Sensei, Sandan, of New Jersey Takemusu Aiki Dojo, under Vincent Salvatore Sensei, Rokuan, Aikido of Reno, with the California Aikido Association.

What is Aikido?
Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art founded by Morihei Ueshiba, O'Sensei, meaning; great teacher. Essentially, Aikido uses the energy of an attacker against themselves and in proportion to, or addition to it as a means of neutralizing the attack and gaining control of by the attacker by means of throws, joint locks, or pins. Aikido, as practiced here at the Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo, infuses the art with various other striking arts that include; parries, blocks, and strikes such as kicks and punches, along with dealing with armed attackers of various kinds.
"Be like Water My friend" Bruce Lee
Our philosophy is most akin to that of the late great Sifu Bruce Lee of Jeet Kune Do, whereby he took what was useful form many different styles and discarded what didn't work. He applied this ideology to his base foundation of Wing Chung, Chinese boxing he learned under Sifu Ip Man, ultimately forming Jeet Kune Do, way of the intercepting fist.
Why Aikido?
"The Art of Peace does not rely on weapons or brute force to succeed; instead we put ourselves in tune with the universe, maintain peace in our own realms, nurture life, and prevent death and destruction. The true meaning of the term samurai is one who serves and adheres to the power of love."
-Morihei Ueshiba
People train in Aikido for many reasons. Chiefly due to the art not requiring one to be of great physical size and strength, nor of young age, and without weight limitations for the art to be effective and efficient; so in a way it is limitless, and it is for everyone! No matter who you are, you can learn Aikido at practically any stage of your life!
What Will You Learn?
Though the path is a lifelong journey, as Sensei, I can only point the way, it is up to the student to walk the path. You will learn a practical, efficient and effective methods of both unarmed and armed self-defense. What you will grow in is a good physical condition, mental strength, and stamina,
Along with your physical martial training you will also receive the principles of the art, the Tao, or Do in Aiki-Do, that points to the more spiritual and philosophical sides of the "Way" or path by being encouraged to read varying eastern philosophical texts such as; "The Art of Peace" based on the teachings of the Founder Morihei Ueshiba, and to practice Meditation, or to "sit". Every great martial artist who sits, will gain vastly in his depth of knowledge of the art. Aikido will help create balance in your life and help you experience more peace, calm and serenity as you become more finely tuned to living in the "now"
While there are strong ties between martial arts and Zen, it should be noted that Mushin Ryu has no religious affiliation and that people from all religious beliefs train the art. Zen can be considered more of a philosophy or viewpoint that a student can use to aid his martial arts development.
What is Mushin?
"Mushin No Shin", the shortened "Mushin" is a Japanese Zen Principle of "No Mind" or "Mind without mind". Meaning to have a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion, and thus open to everything. The concept of Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo is based upon this Zen Principle. To be able to act without thought about a technique while possessing an instantaneous flow of movements during an attack. Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo holds the principle of being open-minded by incorporating different styles into our Aikido. A principle that is at the core of what makes Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo different from other Aikido Schools and Organizations.
Takuan Soho (1573 – 1645) in "The Unfettered Mind", offers a description of the principle of Mushin from the famous Zen Buddhist monk and an accomplished swordsman. In his work, Takuan connects aspects of Zen Buddhism with those of martial arts.
“When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemy`s sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, forgetful of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the subconscious. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the man`s subconscious that strikes.” *Soho, Takuan. The Unfettered Mind. Trans. William Scott Wilson. (1986) Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd. Takuan Soho is said to have been a friend and advisor to Miyamoto Musashi, an expert swordsman and author of The Book of Five Rings. Takuan tells Musashi not to be “preoccupied with a single spot.” If you are preoccupied, you lose mushin, and are not able to act effortlessly in any situation.

Contact Us
Mushin Ryu Aikido Dojo
22 S. Main Street Woodstown, New Jersey 08098